Rules & TOS in our RedM Server, Discord Server, and Patreon are subject to change.
In this server, we have cultivated a safe, inclusive, and diverse community. We strive to create a positive and fun environment for our members and ask that you follow all of the rules below to help us uphold our server.
1. Be respectful.
No unnecessary pings, spamming, hate speech, racial discrimination, bullying, hazing, sexual harassment, threats, or doxxing of any members for any reason.
Do not DM members or staff without consent.
2. No minors.
We are an 18+ only server.
3. No alt accounts.
If you want to add another account to the server, please open a ticket via ❗│staff-request-ticket.
4. Speak English.
For moderation purposes, please speak English in all channels.
5. No online mods.
Refrain from sharing online mods, information about them, using them while interacting with our server members, or using our Meta Files. Story mode mods are okay.
6. No controversial topics.
Please keep religion, politics, and other controversial topics from our server.
7. We do not tolerate any form of bigotry.
This includes homophobia, transphobia, racism, and sharing Harry Potter-related content. We want this to be a safe space. If you have any questions, please open a ticket.
8. Do not promote self-harm.
This includes self-destructive behaviors and weight talk.
9. No NSFW.
Keep discussion or sharing of overtly pornographic topics out of the server, except for tasteful art.
10. No member poaching.
Posting links for other Discords, messaging members inviting them to join, posting Discord advertisements in any channel or in the members' DMs, or advertising in VC is considered "poaching".
You can ask permission to advertise your server from a member of Rift Management by opening a ticket to ask.
11. Do not steal art.
This includes art, ideas, and content. Refer to Discord TOS. AI-generated images or images enhanced by AI are also not allowed in our server.
Harassment policy
You can find our harassment policy here. Failure to adhere to this may result in a warning or ban.
Discord TOS & Guidelines
Adherence to Discord's Terms of Service and Guidelines is mandatory.
Rules & TOS in our RedM Server, Discord Server, and Patreon are subject to change.
We all know how toxic gaming communities can be. We want to be different—and many of you joined us exactly for this reason—to have a safe space in the gaming world where you don’t have to worry about people destroying your experience.
We are strictly against griefing. While we don’t want to control your gameplay style, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines when using our server (i.e., joining our trails, posseeing up, participating in voice chats, and playing with other members of The Rift):
Do not grief anyone.
No random killing, lassoing, or blowing people up. You can have some crazy times with people you know, but remember: consent is everything. The password is chillvibes—not everyone likes roughhousing in-game.
Change the session.
If you are getting griefed, leave the session. We are against the “grief the griefer” approach; please do not posse up in our server to retaliate.
Do not attack other trades.
Yes, it is a part of the game, but it is not the kind of community we want to be.
Do not brag about griefing.
This includes bragging about messing with low-level players or griefers themselves.
Trail Rules
For more information on our trail rides, please read: ❓│rdo-trail-information
Stay a few horse lengths behind the Trail Guide.
Let the Trail Scouts handle any in-game hostile NPCs/animals/players.
Listen to the Trail Guide/Scouts’ instructions.
Do not bully others.
No modding or griefing.
RedM Rules
Since our RedM server is a sandbox, there are more guidelines than we can add here! Check them out here: 🔴│rules-of-redm
Breaking any of the above rules can result in a verbal warning, written warning, kick, or ban from the server. If you receive three written warnings, you will be banned.
If you see anyone in the community violating these rules, do not hesitate to report it to Rift Management or a Community Manager via a ticket in ❗│staff-request-ticket. Even if you are unsure, it is better to report it just in case. We will never make fun of you!